Governor's Office of Highway Safety in Georgia
CONTACT PHONE (404) 656 6996

Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm


2 M.L.K. Jr Dr SE Suite 370 East Tower, Atlanta, GA

SADD Georgia

About Students Against Destructive Decisions

For more than 30 years, SADD has been committed to empowering young people to lead education and prevention initiatives within their schools and communities. Founded as Students Against Driving Drunk in 1981 in Wayland, Massachusetts, SADD has grown to become the nation’s dominant peer-to-peer youth prevention organization with thousands of chapters in high schools.

SADD expanded its mission and name in 1997, in response to requests from SADD students themselves, and now sponsors chapters called Students Against Destructive Decisions. SADD continues to endorse a firm “no use” message related to use of alcohol and other drugs. With its expanded focus, SADD now highlights prevention of all destructive behaviors and attitudes that are harmful to young people, including underage drinking, substance abuse impaired driving, violence and suicide.

SADD’s unique approach involves young people delivering education and prevention messages to their peers through school and community-wide activities and campaigns responsive to the needs of their particular locations. Projects may include peer-led classes and theme-focused forums, teen workshops, conferences and rallies, prevention education and leadership training, awareness-raising activities and legislative work.

Independent studies have shown that students in schools with an established SADD chapter are more and informed about the risks of underage drinking, other drug use and impaired driving. Students in schools with a SADD chapter are also more likely to hold attitudes reflecting positive reasons not to use alcohol.

For more information on SADD, contact: Kelly Sizemore, Grant Planner 404-657-9079 (desk) or 470-366-3020 (cell)



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