Governor's Office of Highway Safety in Georgia
CONTACT PHONE (404) 656 6996

Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm


2 M.L.K. Jr Dr SE Suite 370 East Tower, Atlanta, GA

How to Choose and Fit a Helmet


  • Use the sponge pads that accompany the helmet to secure a good fit.
  • Use a combination of pad sizes and place them where needed.
  • The helmet should be snug, only moving one inch when pushed from front to back.
  • Be sure the front edge of the helmet is two-finger widths above the eyebrows.
  • Make sure the front and back straps meet in a V shape just below the ear.
  • The front straps should be vertical and the rear straps should lie flat, without any slack.
  • If the helmet leans forward, adjust the rear straps.
  • If the helmet tilts backwards, tighten the front straps.
  • All straps should be equally tight when the chin strap is buckled.
  • Test the chin strap.
  •  When the child opens his mouth wearing the helmet, the chin strap should be snug.
  • One finger should fit between the chin and the chin strap when the mouth is closed.


  • When decorating your helmet, do not use paint, and use only stickers sold with the helmet or determined safe by a helmet dealer. Some paints and stickers can damage a helmet and reduce its effectiveness.
  •  Clean your helmet with gentle soap and warm water. Do not use solvents, heavy cleansers or automotive wax to clean or polish the helmet. These can damage the helmet, even if the damage is not visible.
  • Treat your helmet with care. Do not toss your helmet or kick it around. Store the helmet on a rack, shelf or in its original box. Avoid hanging the helmet from the bicycle’s handle bars which may cause dents and scratches in the protective shell. High temperatures can also damage the helmet.
  • Do not store your helmet in the car or in the trunk during hot summer days. 

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