Governor's Office of Highway Safety in Georgia
CONTACT PHONE (404) 656 6996

Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm


2 M.L.K. Jr Dr SE Suite 370 East Tower, Atlanta, GA


The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety administers grant funding for various programs that address 11 national traffic safety priority areas of impaired driving, police traffic services, speed control, roadway safety, occupant protection/child passenger safety, pedestrian and bicycle safety, motorcycle safety, traffic records and community traffic safety.

Focusing on these areas has historically proven to be more effective than other efforts to reduce traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

Funding for these grants is allocated to Georgia GOHS and other states annually from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) using a formula based on population and road mileage. 

GOHS then awards the funding to state and local safety-related agencies as “seed” money for the development and implementation of programs that address traffic safety problem areas or expand ongoing activities in safety priority areas.

Funding may also be available for projects outside the identified priority areas if there is documented evidence of an identified problem.