CONTACT PHONE (404) 656 6996

Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm


7 M.L.K. Jr Dr SE #643, Atlanta, GA 30334

Traffic Data

The following 2022 data is as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). This FARS data for the state of Georgia can be viewed in its entirety online by clicking HERE. Once on the page, click on Georgia in the map. Data can be viewed statewide or by county (by clicking on the drop-down menu at the top of the page). Further county-related, interactive data maps for all of Georgia are also available at the above link.


Traffic Safety Performance (Core Outcome) Measures* For Georgia
Core Outcome Measures Crash Year
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Traffic Fatalities Total (C-1) 1,180 1,164 1,432 1,556 1,540 1,505 1,492 1,658 1,809 1,797
Rural 557 462 565 603 594 508 520 645 643 637
Urban 621 702 867 953 946 997 972 1,010 1,166 1,159
Unknown 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1
Fatalities Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Driven Total (C-3) 1.08 1.04 1.21 1.27 1.23 1.14 1.12 1.43 1.50 1.39
Rural 2.18 1.79 1.98 2.01 2.00 1.55 1.63 2.23 2.13 1.46
Urban 0.74 0.82 0.97 1.03 1.00 1.01 0.96 1.16 1.29 1.36
Passenger Vehicle Occupant Fatalities
(All Seat Positions)
Total 812 795 1,008 1,047 1,056 994 990 1,065 1,191 1,092
Restrained 350 376 488 484 488 448 514 502 522 456
Unrestrained (C-4) 377 363 411 472 464 441 385 461 556 518
Unknown 85 56 109 91 104 105 91 102 113 118
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities (BAC=.08+)** (C-5) 296 279 358 378 357 379 355 371 469 507
Speeding-Related Fatalities (C-6) 197 213 268 266 248 268 260 380 378 422
Motorcyclist Fatalities Total (C-7) 116 137 152 172 139 154 170 191 196 221
Helmeted 107 124 138 154 119 134 151 167 168 191
Unhelmeted (C-8) 5 8 10 9 18 16 15 17 20 27
Unknown 4 5 4 9 2 4 4 7 8 3
Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes Total 1,621 1,622 2,043 2,154 2,283 2,149 2,184 2,359 2,640 2,505
Aged Under 15 0 4 3 6 6 0 3 4 8 11
Aged 15-20 156 145 165 182 188 192 169 205 218 192
Aged Under 21 (C-9) 156 149 168 188 194 192 172 209 226 203
Aged 21 and Over 1,442 1,448 1,838 1,925 2,067 1,908 1,955 2,097 2,359 2,235
Unknown Age 23 25 37 41 22 49 57 53 55 67
Pedestrian Fatalities (C-10) 176 163 194 232 253 262 236 279 307 345
Bicyclist and Other Cyclist Fatalities**** (C-11) 28 19 23 29 15 30 21 32 15 29
Observed Seat Belt Use*** (B-1) 95.5 97.3 97.3 97.3 97.1 96.3 95.9 94.8 89.3


Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities**:
Georgia, U.S. and Best State

Year Total Fatalities
in all Crashes
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities (BAC
= .08+)
Number Percent Per 100 Million
2018 Georgia 1,505 379 25 0.29
US 36,835 10,710 29 0.33
Best State* 19 0.16
2019 Georgia 1,492 355 24 0.27
US 36,355 10,196 28 0.31
Best State* 15 0.12
2020 Georgia 1,658 371 22 0.32
US 39,007 11,727 30 0.40
Best State* 19 0.18
2021 Georgia 1,809 469 26 0.39
US 43,230 13,617 31 0.43
Best State* 20 0.22
2022 Georgia 1,797 507 28 0.39
US 42,514 13,524 32 0.42
Best State* 22 0.21


per 100 million VMT


Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities
per 100 million VMT


Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Reporting Rates
For Drivers/Motorcycle Rider (Operators)
Involved in Fatal Crashes:
Georgia, U.S. and Best State

Year Surviving Drivers/Motorcycle Rider Killed Drivers/Motorcycle Rider Total Drivers/Motorcycle Rider
Total With Blood Alcohol Concentration
(BAC) Results Reported to FARS
Total With Blood Alcohol Concentration
(BAC) Results Reported to FARS
Total With Blood Alcohol Concentration
(BAC) Results Reported to FARS
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
2018 Georgia 1,197 247 21 952 513 54 2,149 760 35
US 28,860 7,161 25 23,045 15,921 69 51,905 23,082 44
Best State* 80 93 83
2019 Georgia 1,219 242 20 965 482 50 2,184 724 33
US 28,555 6,914 24 22,747 15,446 68 51,302 22,360 44
Best State* 86 93 82
2020 Georgia 1,310 230 18 1,049 487 46 2,359 717 30
US 29,305 6,809 23 24,860 15,711 63 54,165 22,520 42
Best State* 86 98 88
2021 Georgia 1,456 234 16 1,184 534 45 2,640 768 29
US 33,824 7,147 21 27,555 17,375 63 61,379 24,522 40
Best State* 87 94 83
2022 Georgia 1,338 226 17 1,167 608 52 2,505 834 33
US 33,206 6,394 19 26,842 15,654 58 60,048 22,048 37
Best State* 75 97 81


Daytime Front Seat (Outboard Only) Passenger Vehicle Occupants, Aged 5 and over, by Restraint Use:
Fatalities and Observed
Georgia, U.S. and Best State

Year Fatalities – Restrained** Observed – Restrained***
Percent Percent
2018 Georgia 59 96.3
US 62 89.6
Best State* 100 97.8
2019 Georgia 66 95.9
US 62 90.7
Best State* 80 97.1
2020 Georgia 63
US 57 90.3
Best State* 72 95.7
2021 Georgia 56 94.8
US 58 90.4
Best State* 80 97.2
2022 Georgia 55 89.3
US 58 91.6
Best State* 77 96.5








Daytime Front Seat (Outboard Only)
Passenger Vehicle Occupant Fatalities
Aged 5 and over, by Percent Restraint Use*




Daytime Front Seat (Outboard Only)
Passenger Vehicle Occupants Observed
Aged 5 and over, by Percent Restraint Use**

Georgia Passenger Vehicle Occupant Fatalities Age 5 and Above
by Restraint Use and Lives Saved Estimates
Year Fatalities Age 5 and Above* Lives Saved Estimates**
Total Restrained Unrestrained Unknown Restraint
Percent Known Restrained* Lives Saved at Current
Belt Use
Potential Additional
Lives Savable at
100% Usage
2018 979 438 436 105 50
2019 977 505 382 90 57
2020 1,030 484 445 101 52
2021 1,169 510 551 108 48
2022 1,080 449 516 115 47
Georgia Passenger Vehicle Occupant Fatalities Age 4 and Under
by Restraint Use and Lives Saved Estimates
Year Fatalities Age 4 and Under* Lives Saved Estimates**
Total Restrained Unrestrained Unknown Restraint
Percent Known Restrained* Lives Saved at Current
Seat Belt and Child
Safety Seat Usage
2018 15 10 5 0 67
2019 13 9 3 1 75
2020 17 11 5 1 69
2021 12 8 3 1 73
2022 11 7 2 2 78
Georgia Motorcyclist Fatalities
by Helmet Use and Lives Saved Estimates
Year Fatalities Lives Saved Estimates**
Total Helmeted Unhelmeted Unknown Helmet Use Percent Known Helmeted* Lives Saved at Current
Helmet Use
Additional Lives
Savable at 100% Helmet
2018 154 134 16 4 89
2019 170 151 15 4 91
2020 191 167 17 7 91
2021 196 168 20 8 89
2022 221 191 27 3 88


Georgia Fatalities by Person Type
Person Type 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number Percent* Number Percent* Number Percent* Number Percent* Number Percent*
Occupants Passenger Car 541 36 550 37 558 34 615 34 571 32
Light Truck – Pickup 215 14 190 13 227 14 241 13 186 10
Light Truck – Utility 193 13 194 13 252 15 288 16 297 17
Light Truck – Van 44 3 54 4 28 2 47 3 38 2
Light Truck – Other 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Large Truck 34 2 31 2 38 2 43 2 64 4
Bus 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Other/Unknown Occupants 25 2 28 2 52 3 43 2 40 2
Total Occupants 1,054 70 1,050 70 1,155 70 1,277 71 1,197 67
Motorcyclists Total Motorcyclists 154 10 170 11 191 12 196 11 221 12
Nonoccupants Pedestrian 262 17 236 16 279 17 307 17 345 19
Bicyclist and Other Cyclist 30 2 21 1 32 2 15 1 29 2
Other/Unknown Nonoccupants 5 0 15 1 1 0 14 1 5 0
Total Nonoccupants 297 20 272 18 312 19 336 19 379 21
Total Total 1,505 100 1,492 100 1,658 100 1,809 100 1,797 100


Georgia Fatalities by Crash Type
Crash Type 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total Fatalities (All Crashes)* 1,505 1,492 1,658 1,809 1,797
– (1) Single Vehicle 836 751 863 947 1,029
– (2) Involving a Large Truck 192 204 235 246 265
– (3) Involving Speeding 268 260 380 378 422
– (4) Involving a Rollover 319 314 415 444 440
– (5) Involving a Roadway Departure 765 706 827 919 894
– (6) Involving an Intersection (or Intersection Related) 334 394 370 396 386


Georgia Motorcyclist Fatalities by Age
Year Age Total
<20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >59 Unknown
2018 6 44 31 24 28 21 0 154
2019 7 42 37 27 31 26 0 170
2020 10 46 45 39 34 17 0 191
2021 12 43 48 44 27 22 0 196
2022 14 46 64 34 36 26 1 221


Georgia Motorcyclist Fatalities Per 100,000 Registered Motorcycles
Year Motorcyclist Fatalities Total Motorcycle
Per 100,000
2018 154 203,968 75.50
2019 170 203,985 83.34
2020 191 207,657 91.98
2021 196 213,700 91.72
2022 221 217,819 101.5


Georgia Fatalities by Person Type and Race/Hispanic Origin1
Person Type by Race/Hispanic Origin1 2018 2019 2020 2021
Occupants (All Vehicle Types) Hispanic 72 72 85 97
White Non-Hispanic 609 597 716 792
Black, Non-Hispanic 363 372 464 536
American Indian, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 1 1 2 2
Asian, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 19 17 12 11
Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 0 1 0 2
Multiple Races, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 1 1 2 1
All Other Non-Hispanic or Race 6 6 8 12
Unknown Race and Unknown Hispanic 137 153 57 20
Total 1,208 1,220 1,346 1,473
(Pedestrians, Pedalcyclists and
Other/Unknown NonOccupants)
Hispanic 23 19 23 14
White Non-Hispanic 125 84 123 128
Black, Non-Hispanic 121 132 131 166
American Indian, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 1 0 1 1
Asian, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 4 1 7 8
Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 0 0 0 1
Multiple Races, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 0 0 2 0
All Other Non-Hispanic or Race 0 2 1 5
Unknown Race and Unknown Hispanic 23 34 24 13
Total 297 272 312 336
Total Hispanic 95 91 108 111
White Non-Hispanic 734 681 839 920
Black, Non-Hispanic 484 504 595 702
American Indian, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 2 1 3 3
Asian, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 23 18 19 19
Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 0 1 0 3
Multiple Races, Non-Hispanic/Unknown 1 1 4 1
All Other Non-Hispanic or Race 6 8 9 17
Unknown Race and Unknown Hispanic 160 187 81 33
Total 1,505 1,492 1,658 1,809


5 Year Trend for the Top 10 Counties of 2022 – Fatalities
Georgia Counties by 2022 Ranking Fatalities Percent of Total
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Fulton County 131 144 145 153 160 9 10 9 8 9
2 Dekalb County 108 79 91 145 126 7 5 5 8 7
3 Cobb County 57 67 84 65 69 4 4 5 4 4
4 Gwinnett County 62 61 57 51 66 4 4 3 3 4
5 Clayton County 45 51 49 65 59 3 3 3 4 3
6 Bibb County 33 35 33 49 51 2 2 2 3 3
7 Henry County 24 23 28 33 43 2 2 2 2 2
8 Chatham County 37 30 34 40 40 2 2 2 2 2
9 Richmond County 23 26 30 45 34 2 2 2 2 2
10 Hall County 24 20 30 30 32 2 1 2 2 2
Sub Total 1.* Top Ten Counties 548 541 585 678 680 36 36 35 37 38
Sub Total 2.** All Other Counties 957 951 1,073 1,131 1,117 64 64 65 63 62
Total All Counties 1,505 1,492 1,658 1,809 1,797 100 100 100 100 100


5 Year Trend For The Top 10 Counties of 2022 – Fatalities Year to Year Percent Change
Georgia Counties by 2022 Ranking Fatalities Percent Change From Previous Year
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Fulton County 131 144 145 153 160 10 1 6 5
2 Dekalb County 108 79 91 145 126 -27 15 59 -13
3 Cobb County 57 67 84 65 69 18 25 -23 6
4 Gwinnett County 62 61 57 51 66 -2 -7 -11 29
5 Clayton County 45 51 49 65 59 13 -4 33 -9
6 Bibb County 33 35 33 49 51 6 -6 48 4
7 Henry County 24 23 28 33 43 -4 22 18 30
8 Chatham County 37 30 34 40 40 -19 13 18 0
9 Richmond County 23 26 30 45 34 13 15 50 -24
10 Hall County 24 20 30 30 32 -17 50 0 7
Sub Total 1.* Top Ten Counties 548 541 585 678 680 -1 8 16 0
Sub Total 2.** All Other Counties 957 951 1,073 1,131 1,117 -1 13 5 -1
Total All Counties 1,505 1,492 1,658 1,809 1,797 -1 11 9 -1


5 Year Trend for the Top 10 Counties of 2022 – Fatality Rates
Median Rate for all U.S. Counties: 18.48
Georgia Counties by 2022 Ranking Fatalities Per 100,000 Population
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Webster County 38.83 38.87 0.00 0.00 300.69
2 Taliaferro County 310.56 64.56 192.06 256.41 250.00
3 Warren County 38.26 76.63 76.80 19.18 135.79
4 Terrell County 34.88 34.99 32.83 11.23 102.81
5 Wheeler County 25.35 12.71 40.28 38.72 95.71
6 Stewart County 15.54 0.00 56.56 61.05 86.06
7 Montgomery County 21.84 43.73 23.33 34.67 80.88
8 Cook County 23.31 34.80 46.42 34.75 80.44
9 Hancock County 59.92 59.00 57.42 46.17 71.54
10 Rabun County 17.80 35.05 47.30 46.82 69.74
Sub Rate 1.* Top Ten Counties 69.14 60.55 76.46 75.77 94.54
Sub Rate 2.** All Other Counties 13.82 13.65 15.03 16.25 15.88
Total Rate All Counties 14.31 14.04 15.45 16.77 16.47